The path to climate neutrality
By 2030, the University of Graz aims to reduce emissions by at least two thirds with its measures and to achieve "net-zero emissions" by participating in carbon storage in Austria. According to the carbon management approach of the University of Graz, true climate neutrality means that at least 90 percent of emissions must be reduced. The University of Graz has set this as its goal for 2040. To successfully achieve the goal of climate neutrality, a greenhouse gas inventory was created, which serves as the starting point for the roadmap to a climate-neutral Uni Graz.
What is and what does CarbonTracer do?
CarbonTracer is a service for the reliable calculation and realistic mapping of greenhouse gas emissions in the area of mobility and differentiates between various means of transport. The entire life cycle of the means of transport is taken into account.
The service can support you, for example, in the following areas:
- Forecasting: Planning of (business) trips (comparison of GHG emissions regarding means of transport)
- Backcasting: GHG emissions of past (business) trips (monitoring of GHG emissions)
- Nowcasting: GHG live calculator (e.g. overlay app with emissions tracking during the trip)
- Commuting: evaluation/comparison of "commuting routes" for more climate-friendly commuting
The greenhouse gas balance of the University of Graz
The greenhouse gas balance was calculated based on the years 2015 to 2019 and represents the starting point implementing climate protection measures.
The roadmap to a climate-neutral University of Graz
With the help of the planned measures, the University of Graz wants to be able to balance its operations with "net zero emissions" by 2030 and achieve complete climate neutrality by 2040.
Step by step climate fit: Measures of the University of Graz
Ecoprofit since 2005.
In order to continuously improve its environmental performance, the University of Graz has participated in the environmental program ÖKOPROFIT ( ÖKOlogisches PROjekt Für Integrierte UmweltTechnik) of the City of Graz since 2005.
EMAS validation since 2016.
EMAS is a voluntary system with the aim of promoting continuous improvement in corporate environmental protection. Companies and organizations in the EU can be validated for this purpose.
Certified bicycle-friendly company since 2017.
The "CFE certification as a bicycle-friendly company" is a Europe-wide award based on EU standards, which is awarded in Austria by the Mobility Research Association in cooperation with the Radlobby Österreich. Among other things, it evaluates the availability of a sufficient number of high-quality bicycle parking spaces and the promotion of cycling motivation among employees.
Endeavouring to become one of the first climate-neutral universities in Austria since 2022
The University of Graz is on its way to becoming one of the first climate-neutral universities in Austria. Greenhouse gas emissions generated on campus are to be drastically reduced by 2030. The aim of the University of Graz is to achieve true climate neutrality by 2040.
Since 2024 Climate Pact for a climate-neutral Graz 2040.
In a significant step towards greater sustainability and climate protection, the University of Graz and the City of Graz have signed the Climate Pact for a climate-neutral Graz 2040 . Both institutions are committed to contributing to achieving climate neutrality in their respective areas of responsibility.
"Climate change presents us with enormous challenges," said the representatives at the signing ceremony. "We take our responsibility seriously and are making a significant contribution to climate protection. We are doing this out of solidarity with future generations."
Greenhouse gas emissions in organizations arise from four areas: Energy, mobility, resources, and in the area of buildings and finance. The carbon management approach determines which actors can act and how. The starting point for measures leading to emission reduction and storage is the greenhouse gas inventory, which is calculated at the beginning of the project. The Carbon Management approach can be used for institutional, personal, public, non-profit and commercial entities. Click here for more information about the Carbon Management Approach and its applicability in your organization.